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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

When will it be over for Tiger Woods

Okay!! just when you thought this was it with Tiger Woods, another female came out of wood works claiming she had a long time fling with the man himself. This Theresa Rogers who is in her fortties', I guess Tiger likes them in all age and sizes, said this affair has been going on before he was married and continued after. She is now the 11th woman to state having a fling with him. I guess you could say the tiger went after the cougar. I guess we all hope this is it, because all these women are hopping on the gravey train and at some point he is going to have to say to hell with it, just spill your guts I don't care.Who knows how  more women are waiting in the side lines with their lawyers in tow.
My advice to Tiger Woods is not to pay anymore women, let them talk, it is all out in the public any way. Save
 your money, America is forgiving but,not that soon and you are going to need every penny if your wife divorce you.

Chin up Woods, you'll be aw right

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